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What Signs Indicate High Levels Of Nitrite In My Pond?

If nitrite levels become problematic, you might notice fish gasping for air at the surface of the pond or near the air stones. High concentrations of nitrite can lead to a condition called ‘brown-blood disease.’ This disease arises in fish when the water in their pond contains excessive nitrite. The nitrite enters the fish’s bloodstream through their gills, interfering with the ability of red blood cells to absorb vital oxygen from the water. As a result, the blood of the fish turns a chocolate-brown shade. This happens because haemoglobin, which is responsible for oxygen transport in the blood, reacts with nitrite to form methaemoglobin, which cannot facilitate oxygen transport. Consequently, fish with brown blood are unable to receive sufficient oxygen throughout their bodies. Always try to do regular water tests to keep an eye on all the water paramotors you could use NT Labs Pond Multi Test Kit

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