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When Do Koi Lay Eggs Or Spawn?

The activity of chasing and splashing is a result of the koi breeding process. This spawning period typically occurs in the early mornings throughout May and June. As the koi get ready to reproduce, the male fish start to pursue and show interest in the most receptive and fertile females. Koi spawning behaviour takes place once a year and usually spans over several days. When the conditions are optimal, such as water temperature and daylight duration, the spawning process begins. Often, in the days leading up to the actual spawning, you can observe one or more males showing heightened interest in the females, closely following them throughout the pond. As the females approach the time for spawning, they release pheromones that signal to the males to prepare for the event. Spawning typically begins early in the morning, with male koi energetically pursuing and nudging the females along the shallower areas or the edges of the pond. koi reproduce by laying eggs, and a single mature female can generate up to 400,000 eggs! The male koi are always in a rush to get ahead of the females, often pushing them against plant roots, the pond’s walls, or any available surface. Each time this occurs, it encourages the females to release their eggs. The eggs are sticky, allowing them to adhere to any surface they encounter. As the eggs are released, they are immediately fertilized by the eager males trailing behind. Koi fish tend to lay their eggs in the plants that usually grow in the shallow waters along the edges of ponds. However, in koi ponds, you typically won’t find the same subtle edges and vegetation that you would in a natural pond. To create an ideal breeding environment for them, you can provide aquatic plants or even artificial Spawning Brushes. Additionally, providing these typical spawning areas can help prevent the female koi from being pursued into the challenging rocky edges of the pond.

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