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  • Pro-Line Cylinder Purifiers

Pro-Line Cylinder Purifiers 3/4″ Connection Fitting

£2.99 inc. VAT

Pro-Line Cylinder Purifiers 3/4″ Connection Fitting

The Pro-Line Cylinder Purifiers 3/4″ Connection Fitting is used to join the pre housing to the purifier. Water purifiers can play a major role in removing unwanted toxins leaving good water quality in the pond and helping to keep your fish healthy.

SKU: PU275 Category:


Pro-Line Cylinder Purifiers 3/4″ Connection Fitting

The Pro-Line Cylinder Purifiers 3/4″ Connection Fitting is used to join the pre housing to the purifier. Water purifiers can play a major role in removing unwanted toxins leaving good water quality in the pond and helping to keep your fish healthy.